cancer thyroid
Assalammualaikum it such a hectic day...

semenjak perginya Adam..nafsu untuk aku terus menulis terus hilang
Dulunya aku berfikir dia punca inspirasi aku
tetapi bila dia sudah pergi...segala yang indah seolah-olah hilang

Allahurabi apa yang aku inginkan dalam kehidupan ini??

kemewahan,kesenangan ?


keep enjoy dengan rakan-rakan

aku akui aku dahulu jenis yang bebas ,bila kenal seorang sahabt aku berubah mula berhijrah tetapi bila sahabatku itu mulai pergi meninggalkan aku...

aku seperti mahu kembali ke dunia jahiliah aku...

mula-mula bila tengah enjoy tu dah tak fikir apa dah

tapi alhamdulillah aku masih kuat menahan diri ...

aku keep solat 5 waktu tak pernah terdetik untuk meninggalkan even satu waktu pun...sudah menjadi kebiasaan sebelum  ni .. cuma yang aku tengah runsing sangat ..kenapa aku berubah..aku kembali berdosa dengan tuhan ...

sehingga pada satu saat

Allah turunkan satu ujian buat diriku

mungkin ini adalah cara untuk penyucian dosa-dosaku selama ini

Allahurabi menangis aku tatkala terbayangkan apa amalan yg aku abaikan selama ini

aku kemungkinan disyak menghidapi cancer tyhroid

 serba sedikit mengenai thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is a disease that you get when abnormal cells begin to grow in your thyroid gland camera.gif. The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that regulate the way your body uses energy and that help your body work normally.
Thyroid cancer is an uncommon type of cancer. Most people who have it do very well, because the cancer is usually found early and the treatments work well. After it is treated, thyroid cancer may come back, sometimes many years after treatment.
Experts don't know what causes thyroid cancer. But like other cancers, changes in the DNA of your cells seem to play a role. These DNA changes may include changes that are inherited as well as those that happen as you get older.
People who have been exposed to a lot of radiation have a greater chance of getting thyroid cancer.
A dental X-ray now and then will not increase your chance of getting thyroid cancer. But past radiation treatment of your head, neck, or chest (especially during childhood) can put you at risk of getting thyroid cancer.
Thyroid cancer can cause several symptoms:
  • You may get a lump or swelling in your neck. This is the most common symptom.
  • You may have pain in your neck and sometimes in your ears.
  • You may have trouble swallowing.
  • You may have trouble breathing or have constant wheezing.
  • Your voice may be hoarse.
  • You may have a frequent cough that is not related to a cold.
Some people may not have any symptoms. Their doctors may find a lump or nodule in the neck during a routine physical exam.
If you have a lump in your neck that could be thyroid cancer, your doctor may do a biopsy of your thyroid gland to check for cancer cells. A biopsy is a simple procedure in which a small piece of the thyroid tissue is removed, usually with a needle, and then checked.
Sometimes the results of a biopsy are not clear. In this case, you may need surgery to remove all or part of your thyroid gland before you find out if you have thyroid cancer.
Thyroid cancer is treated with surgery and often with radioactive iodine. It rarely needs radiation therapy or chemotherapy. What treatment you need depends on your age, the type of thyroid cancer you have, and the stage of your disease. Stage refers to how severe the disease is and how far, if at all, the cancer has spread.
Finding out that you have cancer can be overwhelming. It's common to feel scared, sad, or even angry. Talking to others who have had thyroid cancer may help. Ask your doctor about cancer support groups in your area.

mohon Allah redha segalanya

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what my needs???
Assalamualaikum sobat semua

yes, it such a long time that I did not updating my entry it such a lazy hand that i've now..sometimes iolss rasa what I want in my life ??? But I did not take fast way like some people doing what they really wants by their nafs.. I've believe to Allah that he always want a best thing for HIS slave ..sometimes I wanna cry out ..i want to tell everyone I need that I need that thing belongs.to.me... I'm felt so idiot that time.. Why I can't.wait patiently ??? But in one point i'm realize that iolss tak boleh jadi macam zaman.jahiliyyah iolss.dulu now i'm 20 so pemikiran like 20 person,
iolss pernah hilang seorang kawan yg seriously iolss.salute sgt2 that person always keep give me a.advise..he/she always beimg tolerate with me ...but i'm losing that person
I need to.tarbiyah myself need to be independent...share everything with.Allah first... I'm.always miss my friend ....
everything happens must be a reason...

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Random Journey
Assalammualaikum w.b.t

first of all wanna greet all my friends here :) it such a long time ago with my previous entry.. yeay its 2014 ??
actually we already celebrate our islam new year before 1st january...
and now i'm 20 yehaaa Alhamdulillah after everything that i've face along this previous year ..it's show me how to be a human not animal ... (hah what the statement??)
I'm just realize that sometimes i'm feel that i can't reach what i want
I can't satisfy everyone
I can't give full of commitment on my study or work


after all of this happen in my life i learn something good

::::::::: so this is only my summary::::::::::: tak nak cerita lebih-lebih sebab let it past ..what happen to me?? i dont want to give any comment

why I'm too busy ??

As a student it's normal thing bila always busy dengan study (perghh skema sangat)
Busy dengan aktiviti club...

what kind of club that i'm join??



yes , photoghraphy
saja jerrr nak gain new experience .. aku memang tak ada basic dalam photoghraphy but adalah sikit hasilnya .. yes now i know how to adjusting camera macam bila suasana terang berapa ISO yg nak kena guna.. white blance nak bagi berapa ..and how to make a moving object to be frozen .. Alhamdulillah all the photography manupulation that i've learnt from my abam2 UPEC ..... thanks to wawan, wan tanoi, wan kedah, fathy, idzihar, kak syiqa, zain... thanks to all these senior yang banyak bagi tunjuk ajarku sifu kepada diri ini

then forget abt photoghraphy
How my life as a degree student

yes, it's going fluently
cerita pasal roommate biasalah ..first attempt ..tak ada chemistry sangat ..tapi after 6 month live together baru ada rasa sisterly gitu
then aku asyik kena bahan dengan depa..memandangkan i'm the youngest one
yes, aku rapat dengan kak ekin ...dia mcm supplier barang bergerak untuk aku..semua dia ada.. dari segi ubat2,alat tulis..kalau tak ada mintak je kat dia dijamin beres wakakaak nampak tak permainan disitu

after roommate
turn to classmate pula
yes,firstly risau jugak tak dapat nak sesuaikan diri but now Alhamdulillah i've got a new friends
Namira,Ira and syaza
depa ni memang HANTU ahahha
main redah je lagi kakak nami ihihkk
i'm happy with them
then InsyaAllah we will be together until forever

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Random Trailer
such a long time den tak update blog ni

common word is like "berhabuk-habuk blog iolss ni"
bukan nak meng**ng but that's my style...
actually what i'm trying to say ???

esok Maulid Nabi
tapi jiwa saya seperti dibawa angin
benarlah cintakan manusia..manusia akan mati
cintakan Allah pasti kekal selamanya

sometimes,bila duduk diam-diam pandang bintang..perghh poyo je
actually this is my habit when stay alone and keep seeing a lot of star in the sky
"Terukir di bintang tak mungkin hilang cintaku padaMU"

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My journey #5
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
sudah sebulan aku digelar mahasiswa sekarang ni aku bercuti seminggu sempena sambuatan aidiladha
seriously iolls cakap ....seumur hidup iolls bila aidiladha itu ...akan sentiasa terfikir mesti lembu-lembu akan disembelih ....
tak tahu sebenarnya point apa nak berceloteh hari ini ,sebab iolss masih lost..tercari-cari jalan pulang ke tempat asal iolss
terkadang iolss hampir-hampir untuk terjatuh ke zaman jahiliyyah aku dulu ,bila terfikir semula seriously iolls takut gila untuk menghadapinya
apa yang iolss buat sekarang iolss hanya mampu berlindung di bawah rahmat Allah s.w.t semoga Allah menjadikan iolss ni muslimah yang sejati yang baik budi pekerti serta menjaga maruah diri

Tetapi bila duduk ,termenung sorang-sorang fikiran ni asyik merewang ke tempat lain mungkin di negeri ciptaan aku yang tiada manusia lain selain watak yang aku kagumi sehingga sekarang "aniel" ..dialah sahabatku yang selama ni sentiasa positive dengan aku nasihati aku mendidik aku tentang agama
almost setahun kami berkenalan (bersahabat) tetapi disebabkan komitmen yang banyak kami jadi renggang harap-harap tidak renggang dalam doamu wahai sahabat yang dirindui...

untuk melupakan memang sukar tapi bak kata omputih "move on" yes iolss try untuk move on jangan terlalu jadi hamba cinta manusia ,,jadilah hamba cinta Allah yang satu ..Allahu Akbar
bila dah berada dalam kehidupan di universiti iolls join bermacam aktiviti yang paling iolss suka sekali ialah club photography ..now i can feel what aniel feel once he hold the camera and start snap picture especially bila iolls snap pic landscape subhanAllah cantik sungguh kedamaian dan keindahan ciptaan Allah s.w.t

Dalam class iolls terjumpa dengan seorang clone aniel seriously disebabkan rindu yang teramat sangat rasanya hampir semua manusia yang iolls jumpa semua mcm aniel...yes i never meet him,saw him but perwatakannya membuatkan iolls kagum sebagai seorang sahabat

now i dont know where is he ?? he's still alive? sick or what ? everything keep playing on my mind hope one day we will meet and hope i can meet children n wife one day i wish

bila dicerita dengan sahabatku mis FL dia cakap my story was so tragic kalah titanic wakakak
but inilah takdir Allah
bila sudah dinyatakan kunfayakun maka terjadilah ia
jangan kita sesekali persoalkannya

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Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Sobat-sobatku sekalian

Today i want to talk about USRAH
Have you know about USRAH before this??
and do you know what it's role to ummah like us

Act, usrah itu serupa macam kita luangkan masa bersama rakan-rakan yang lain
berbual,berkongsi pendapat secara santai mengenai permasalahan atau hal-hal yang tidak difahami kepada naqibah
...so siapa pula naqibah ni??
Naqibah adalah ketua dalam bulatan gembira (usrah) ni
beliau dilantik atas kefahaman beliau yang lebih arif tentang Islam
jadi beliau boleh membantu kita dengan apa sahaja permasalahn yang kita hadapi

Cintai Masjid Cintai usrah
iolss dapat banyak offer join usrah ..memang niat dihati nak sangat sepnt time dengan aktiviti sebegini
but ..... selalu clash dengan jadual iolss... i really need usrah ...at that time iolss dpt tarbiyah diri yang selalu leka ni ...ermm tapi InsyaAllah i will make it someday... next week tak mau balik rumah dah
asyik balik rawang je..sebab bila balik nanti satu kerja pun iolss tak dapat buat
biasalah dah jumpa relatives ,family lagi
tak salahkan mereka but biasalah dah jumpa keluarga ada sahaja aktivitinya

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Beramah Mesra
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Kengkawan sobat-sobat ku
Alhamdulillah about my previous entry iolss ada story mengenai kegagalan ambo untuk further di IPTA
then now rayuan pun ambo tak dpt...tapi alhamdulillah rezeki iolls kat IPTS
UniKL study in Islamic Finance...alhamdulillah tak terfiir pun akakn further dalam bidang yg begitu Islamic ini
ni semua rezeki daripada Allah s.w.t
some people might judge
IPTS mahal
IPTS untuk org yg tak layak ke IPTA
IPTS untuk anak org kaya2 jerrr
IPTS hurm nak berlagak lah tu

itu some people yg iolss dengar-dengar lah kan
jangan main-main senior campus iolls majoriti dapat 4flat for every sem
so thats mean kat mana sahaja kita belajar apa jua bidang yang kita ceburi
mesti awal-awal dah tajdidi niat tu
Belajar kerana Allah s.w.t
Menimba ilmu kerana Allah s.w.t
Saya nasihatkan jangan bercinta semasa belajar kahwin tak apa eh kidding2
sebab kalau bercinta takut everything gonna be worst tak perlu lah iolss nak bebel kat sini mengenai this topic ... even bercinta ala-ala islamik pun dont u ever-ever do that
tak pernah ada istilah Cinta Islamik .....

itu jelah rasanya entry kali ini sebab iolss dah tak ada modal nak share kerana terlalu busy dengan jadual iolss InsyaAllah i'll try my best
Gagal sekali tak bermakna gagal selama-lamanya :)

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