cancer thyroid
Assalammualaikum it such a hectic day...

semenjak perginya Adam..nafsu untuk aku terus menulis terus hilang
Dulunya aku berfikir dia punca inspirasi aku
tetapi bila dia sudah pergi...segala yang indah seolah-olah hilang

Allahurabi apa yang aku inginkan dalam kehidupan ini??

kemewahan,kesenangan ?


keep enjoy dengan rakan-rakan

aku akui aku dahulu jenis yang bebas ,bila kenal seorang sahabt aku berubah mula berhijrah tetapi bila sahabatku itu mulai pergi meninggalkan aku...

aku seperti mahu kembali ke dunia jahiliah aku...

mula-mula bila tengah enjoy tu dah tak fikir apa dah

tapi alhamdulillah aku masih kuat menahan diri ...

aku keep solat 5 waktu tak pernah terdetik untuk meninggalkan even satu waktu pun...sudah menjadi kebiasaan sebelum  ni .. cuma yang aku tengah runsing sangat ..kenapa aku berubah..aku kembali berdosa dengan tuhan ...

sehingga pada satu saat

Allah turunkan satu ujian buat diriku

mungkin ini adalah cara untuk penyucian dosa-dosaku selama ini

Allahurabi menangis aku tatkala terbayangkan apa amalan yg aku abaikan selama ini

aku kemungkinan disyak menghidapi cancer tyhroid

 serba sedikit mengenai thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is a disease that you get when abnormal cells begin to grow in your thyroid gland camera.gif. The thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly and is located in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that regulate the way your body uses energy and that help your body work normally.
Thyroid cancer is an uncommon type of cancer. Most people who have it do very well, because the cancer is usually found early and the treatments work well. After it is treated, thyroid cancer may come back, sometimes many years after treatment.
Experts don't know what causes thyroid cancer. But like other cancers, changes in the DNA of your cells seem to play a role. These DNA changes may include changes that are inherited as well as those that happen as you get older.
People who have been exposed to a lot of radiation have a greater chance of getting thyroid cancer.
A dental X-ray now and then will not increase your chance of getting thyroid cancer. But past radiation treatment of your head, neck, or chest (especially during childhood) can put you at risk of getting thyroid cancer.
Thyroid cancer can cause several symptoms:
  • You may get a lump or swelling in your neck. This is the most common symptom.
  • You may have pain in your neck and sometimes in your ears.
  • You may have trouble swallowing.
  • You may have trouble breathing or have constant wheezing.
  • Your voice may be hoarse.
  • You may have a frequent cough that is not related to a cold.
Some people may not have any symptoms. Their doctors may find a lump or nodule in the neck during a routine physical exam.
If you have a lump in your neck that could be thyroid cancer, your doctor may do a biopsy of your thyroid gland to check for cancer cells. A biopsy is a simple procedure in which a small piece of the thyroid tissue is removed, usually with a needle, and then checked.
Sometimes the results of a biopsy are not clear. In this case, you may need surgery to remove all or part of your thyroid gland before you find out if you have thyroid cancer.
Thyroid cancer is treated with surgery and often with radioactive iodine. It rarely needs radiation therapy or chemotherapy. What treatment you need depends on your age, the type of thyroid cancer you have, and the stage of your disease. Stage refers to how severe the disease is and how far, if at all, the cancer has spread.
Finding out that you have cancer can be overwhelming. It's common to feel scared, sad, or even angry. Talking to others who have had thyroid cancer may help. Ask your doctor about cancer support groups in your area.

mohon Allah redha segalanya

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